Off To Sweden

Saturday, 28 August 2010


Ok, I admit it, I am struggling today!  Not with the idea of moving - I am still very excited about that, but with the whole clearing out business!  I have good days. when I clear lots of stuff and feel very pleased with myself at the end of the day. And then I have days like today. Although I have cleared out some of the cupboards in the kitchen (including my craft cupboard!) and taken a car-load of rubbish to the tip, I still feel like it was a small drop in the ocean of everything I have to do! 

It was also a very emotional day for the girls. Their Dad came and took them out for lunch and to say good-bye. He is apparently very busy over the next two weeks, so is unable to see them again before we go. I did think that he might come to the airport to say goodbye seeing as he only lives a little way away from it, but he is obviously far too busy.

Anyway, Lucie now has her friend staying for a sleepover (or a wake-over!), so I have decided to take a break! I bought some scrapkits today, so have to unzip them all and get them organised, then I might actually do some scrapping. I haven't scrapped in what feels like forever, and is certainly a good few months, but playing with the designs of mine and the girls' blogs has got my itching to scrap again!

Here's to a better day tomorrow!!!


Ellie said...

Aww I hope your clearing out gets better for you! Shame about your girls dad not being there to see them off! :(
Enjoy your scrapping thrapy!

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