Off To Sweden

Sunday, 5 September 2010

6 days!

I really can't believe that it is only 6 days until we move!  I really don't know where the last few weeks have gone - they have just flown by in a flurry of vitis to the tip to throw out stuff we don't need any more!!!  As well as visits with friends and family to say godbye!  And I still don't feel nervous about the move at all which kind of feels wrong! I will be sad to say goodbye to our friends and family, but am so excited about being with Alessandro and the boys, and starting our new lives together, I guess that has taken away the nerves.

The other nice thing is that usually by now, I have that horrible heavy feeling about the girls going back to school (they would go back tomorrow), but it is really nice that I don't have that, although I am sure I will have it when they start their new schools over there!

Yesterday was spent finishing off sorting out Allie and Lucie's room, with another trip over to the tip!  Its such a shame their room hasn't been as tidy as it is now!  Lucie isn't very tidy at all, and hates having to clear up, but Allie is generally tidy, but sharing a room with Lucie means that she doesn't tidy it up because she resents clearing up Lucie's mess!  Emily has just about finished sorting out her room  - she has been left to do it on her own because I haven't got time to do it so I hope it is ok!  I want them to take photos of their rooms before the removal company come on Wednesday - at least we can pretend they used to keep them tidy!

My room was sorted weeks ago, and the living room is done. We aren't taking much kitchen stuff, so that will be a case of just putting onto the table what we are taking and asking them to pack that!  The loft is empty, so are the two big storage cupboards.

Finally, it is all coming together!  Mind you, I am sure I will have a panic in the next few days about something I have forgotten about!!